Mental Health Panel Highlights by ITV Gold

Mental Health Panel Highlights by ITV Gold

ITV Gold features SACSS “Anguished from Afar” Mental Health Panel highlights. Here it is below and if you would like to see the full event please click

As South Asian countries like India, Nepal and others, report high numbers of COVID-19 infections and rising death tolls, family members and relatives here in the US are struggling with grief, anxiety, despair, trauma, helplessness and in some instances, even survivor’s guilt. On June 3, SACSS and Councilmember Peter Koo (District 20) partnered and hosted a free, online panel “Anguished from Afar”. This panel consisted of culturally-specific mental health professionals including Dr. Ranu Boppana, MD Psychiatry (Moderator), Dr. Bobbi Nassar, PhD, Social Work (Panelist), Reshma Shah, LCSW (Panelist) and Adiba Chowdhury, Senior Mgr: Family Support Services (SACSS) who discuss how to cope with mental health challenges, answer questions, and provide resources.

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