Honoring Congresswoman Grace Meng, the first and only Asian American Member of Congress from New York State

SACSS is thrilled to announce that we will be honoring a fearless leader of Queens at our 2022 Gala, Congresswoman Grace Meng. On November 2nd, Congresswoman Meng will receive our 2022 SACSS COMMUNITY TRAILBLAZER AWARD, honoring the work she has done to uplift AAPI communities and enact policies that benefit our most vulnerable community members. We are lucky to have a leader like her fighting for all our communities!
Congresswoman Meng was born and raised in Queens as the daughter of immigrants; and became the first and only Asian American Member of Congress from New York State. She is currently serving her fifth term in the US House of Representatives. During her tenure, she has fought to expand opportunities for communities of color, young people and women, and she has secured resources to help local small-businesses.
During AAPI Heritage Month this year, bipartisan legislation spearheaded by Congresswoman Meng was approved unanimously by the US Congress to consider creating a National Museum of Asian Pacific American History and Culture in Washington, DC. President Joe Biden signed this legislation with remarks praising Meng’s efforts and acknowledging the importance of this historic legislation, saying: “Today, it’s clear that the battle for the soul of America continues. That’s why a museum like this is going to matter so much. Congresswoman Meng continues to advocate for inclusive policies that benefit the vulnerable and the often overlooked and has been a strong advocate for SACSS. We are so pleased to honor her brilliance, dedication, and extraordinary efforts on behalf of Asian Americans, indeed all Americans!
Join us to celebrate her and get your ticket or table here!